[Rejestr] akcja LYMEC przeciw blokowaniu stron
Alek Tarkowski
a.tarkowski w icm.edu.pl
Wto, 5 Paź 2010, 12:00:03 CEST
organizacja European Liberal Youth (LYMEC) rozpoczęła właśnie kampanię
przeciw planom Komisji wprowadzenia regulacji umożliwiających państwom
członkowskim blokowanie stron w internecie.
Więcej informacji:
The European Liberal Youth LYMEC today launches a campaign against the
counterproductive and dangerous plans of the European Commission to make
Member States look the other way by blocking child abuse websites
instead of taking them down and getting information on who uploaded them.
LYMEC President *Alexander Plahr* states: "The Commission should stop
believing that hiding a probem will somehow help to solve it. Instead of
reducing pressure on the Member States by creating the illusion that
something is done, we demand real action in the form of closer
cooperation and coordinated crack-downs of law–enforcement agencies.
According to recent studies, most material in question is hosted in the
European Union and the United States. Since child abuse is one of the
few crimes that is outlawed globally, real action is possible."
Plahr* continues: "The proposal of the European Commission requires the
instalment of a censorship infrastructure. Experience tells us that such
infrastructure can easily be misused and that it-once in place- will
whet politicians' appetite to extend it on other areas such as copyright
violations, hate speech, and many more."
LYMEC Vice President *Mette Lykke Nielsen* adds: "European politicians
haven't hesitated to criticise China when it comes to blocking parts of
the internet. Now the European Commission wants to do the same in
Europe. With this campaign LYMEC advocates that the European Parliament
takes action and strongly rejects the proposal."
Sign at the newly launched campaign website:
_www.deletion-not-blocking.eu_ <http://www.deletion-not-blocking.eu/>
dr Alek Tarkowski
koordynator projektu / project coordinator
al. Zwirki i Wigury 93
02-089 Warszawa
tel: +48 22 554 08 19
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