[Karty] ciekawa dyskusja o podpisach na kartach

Radosław Stachowiak karty@listy.icm.edu.pl
Tue, 22 Mar 2005 00:41:54 +0100


W szczegolnosci ponizej z komentarzy dotyczacych tego ze podpis na
slipie sluzy takze (przynajmniej w stanach) zwiekszeniu kary za
przestepstwo zmieniajac (dodajac) 'fraud/felony' do zwyklego theft,
ktos napisal iz wystarczy ze zlodziej podpisze sie swoim nazwiskiem na
slipie by tego uniknac i jesli sprzedawca nie sprawdzi to fradu nie ma
(kradziez zostaje). Niemozliwe? No to czytajcie:

But what if you sign your own name? ANd the store still accepts it, is
it fraud too then?

Personally, I do not believe it is fraud. I have been asked several
times to go to a store and purchase something for people I know. I
bring their credit card to the store and make the purchase. I sign the
receipt with my name. One time at Circuit City, I was asked why the
signature did not match, so I explained the situation - that the card
did not belong to me and I was making a purchase for the person named
on the card. The cashier nodded and completed the purchase.

I've never had trouble doing this... but I am curious which criminal
charges would be brought if it was a thief authorized to make those
