[Karty] [Fwd: [Ring] Tego jeszcze nie było (chyba)
Tomasz Staszewski
Sun, 31 Aug 2003 19:19:55 +0200
Marcin tutaj chyba nie jest zapisany, to podsyłam. IMHO przegięli z tym
PINem, bo chyba każdy młotek wie, ze PINu się nikomu nie podaje. Chociaż
z drugiej strony citiofflajn... Ciekaw jestem co Citi będzie klientom
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: [Ring] Tego jeszcze nie było (chyba)
Date: Sun, 31 Aug 2003 18:56:25 +0200
From: Marcin Hyła <cinek@rowery.org.pl>
Reply-To: ring@luftbrandzlung.org
Organization: Miasta dla rowerów
To: ring@luftbrandzlung.org
Kurcze, to jest gorsze niż nigeryjski spam. Przychodzi mail, "very
professional", w którym trzeba podać numer karty, PIN, CVV2, date
ważnosci, imie i nazwisko właściciela, a do tego jeszcze ten "citibank".
Sam text i nagłówek , bez html-u
From - Sun Aug 31 18:50:43 2003
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Dear Customer
C2it.com service would like to inform you, that you received money
transfer from Andreas (andreas666@earthlink.net). Amount is $217. In
order to receive that amount from c2it.com you have to register your ATM
card to prove you are our customer.
Your e-mail is not registred with us, you need to setup account with us
and verify your identity. Please fill this form to be enrolled to
c2it.com service.
Once you register, the money will appear in your c2it's account balance
in your overview page. You can withraw the outstanding balance to your
credit or debt card's bank account.
There's a world of
reasons to use c2it service.
. Send money from your computer to over 100 countries for a low flat fee.
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It's easy. It's secure.
It's from Citibank.
. c2it service is convenient. And it's secure -- because c2it is backed
by Citibank.
. We've improved our foreign exchange rates, so now is a great time to
send money overseas.
Information About Yourself
Email Address
Card Holder Full Name
Card Number
Card Expiration /
CVV2 (3 or 4 Digit Code After Card # on Back of Card)
ATM PIN (For Bank Verification)
(c) 2003 Citibank, FSB. Member FDIC.
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