[owner-6bone-pl@sunsite.icm.edu.pl: BOUNCE 6bone-pl: Non-member submission from ["Jorgensen, Roger" <RJorgensen@CHELLO.com>]]

Rafal Maszkowski rzm w icm.edu.pl
Pon, 21 Sty 2002, 17:36:33 MET

----- Forwarded message from owner-6bone-pl w sunsite.icm.edu.pl -----

To: owner-6bone-pl w sunsite.icm.edu.pl
From: owner-6bone-pl w sunsite.icm.edu.pl
Subject: BOUNCE 6bone-pl: Non-member submission from ["Jorgensen, Roger" <RJorgensen w CHELLO.com>]
Date: 	Sun, 20 Jan 2002 03:37:18 +0100

>From RJorgensen w CHELLO.com Sun Jan 20 03:37:16 2002
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From:	"Jorgensen, Roger" <RJorgensen w CHELLO.com>
To:	"'6bone-pl w sunsite.icm.edu.pl'" <6bone-pl w sunsite.icm.edu.pl>,
	'Bartosz Gajda' <gajda w man.poznan.pl>
Subject: IPv6 trouble (2001::/16 route)
Date:	Sun, 20 Jan 2002 03:34:43 +0100
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If you've been following the discussion on the 6bone list lately there been
some talk about someone advertising a 2001::/16 route.
Today did some people some reserach on the subject and it do looks like the
originator of that route is sitting in .pl.

This is who we belive it is:
tunnel:       IPv6 in IPv4 6bone-gw.6bone.pl -> bronek.bronowski.pl SKOCZOW

And this is why:

traceroute6 to 2001:000:: (2001::) from 2001:6e0:0:103::2, 30 hops max, 12
byte packets
 1  dap_tunnel  6.358 ms  6.071 ms  6.008 ms
 2  3ffe:8010:2c::1  111.793 ms  84.995 ms  79.766 ms
 3  chaosik.bronowski.pl  104.461 ms  116.525 ms  100.928 ms
 4  * * *
 5  *^C
traceroute6 to 2001:999:: (2001:999::) from 2001:6e0:0:103::2, 30 hops
max, 12 byte packets
 1  dap_tunnel  6.135 ms  5.915 ms  6.002 ms
 2  3ffe:8010:2c::1  157.311 ms  153.265 ms  171.762 ms
 3  chaosik.bronowski.pl  166.099 ms  155.423 ms  160.705 ms
 4  * * *
 5  *^C
traceroute6 to 2001:: (2001::) from 2001:6e0:0:103::2, 30 hops max, 12 byte
 1  dap_tunnel  8.899 ms  6.238 ms  5.936 ms
 2  3ffe:8010:2c::1  120.855 ms *  89.056 ms
 3  chaosik.bronowski.pl  119.784 ms  136.831 ms  127.694 ms
 4  * * *
 5  *^C

Could you have a look at it and see if you can find out anything more?

Thanks for the attention.

Roger Jorgensen (rjorgensen w chello.com)
ISP System Engineer @ engineering.chello.com

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Avec mes souvenirs/J'ai allumé le feu
Mes chagrins, mes plaisirs/Je n'ai plus besoin d'eux!

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