[owner-6bone-pl@sunsite.icm.edu.pl: BOUNCE 6bone-pl: Non-member submission from [mentos@bu.dyn.ph]]

Rafal Maszkowski rzm w icm.edu.pl
Pią, 21 Gru 2001, 00:49:33 MET

----- Forwarded message from owner-6bone-pl w sunsite.icm.edu.pl -----

To: owner-6bone-pl w sunsite.icm.edu.pl
From: owner-6bone-pl w sunsite.icm.edu.pl
Subject: BOUNCE 6bone-pl: Non-member submission from [mentos w bu.dyn.ph]
Date: 	Thu, 20 Dec 2001 23:37:40 +0100

>From mentos w mentos.ath.cx Thu Dec 20 23:37:38 2001
Received: from pa131.swidnica.sdi.tpnet.pl ([]:1059 "HELO
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Date:	Thu, 20 Dec 2001 23:35:57 +0100
From:	mentos w bu.dyn.ph
To:	6bone-pl w sunsite.icm.edu.pl
Subject: Wezel w IPartners.
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Hej ho,

  Mam pytanie o wezel w IPartners, gdzie mozna sie podpiac?

 Łukasz Miemus                           +48 501292101
 mentos w nasa.as                      IRCNet mentos w ircd.net
 mentos w bu.dyn.ph             If the truth hurts, prepare for pain           
 1024D/347E7EE7 03BF 8BF7 E601 C204 C54E  2893 A09D 1A19 347E 7EE7  

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Cygan zawinił, kowala powiesili - J. R. Nowak

Więcej informacji o liście dyskusyjnej 6BONE-PL