(fwd) IPv6 programming made easy.
Pawel Krawczyk
fake_kravietz w alfa.ceti.pl
Pon, 15 Maj 2000, 15:35:59 MEST
Może nie wszyscy jeszcze na to trafili.
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From: bln <bjorn w 500mhz.net>
Newsgroups: comp.protocols.tcp-ip
Subject: IPv6 programming made easy.
Date: 25 Apr 2000 14:19:15 GMT
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Found a very good IPv6 porting guide at Sun's IPv6 page that
describes how to write applications that support both IPv4
and IPv6 at the same time, aswell as only IPv6 with clean easy
readable examples (good for beginers and newbies to tcp/ip
programming in C/C++).
It's as easy as writing IPv4 code. just some small api changes.
- bln
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Pawel Krawczyk, CETI internet, Krakow. http://ceti.pl/~kravietz/
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