mirror on ipv6

Robert Milkowski milek w rudy.mif.pg.gda.pl
Pon, 10 Maj 1999, 13:32:07 MEST

	Po adresem ftp://3ffe:902:1a::1:2/mirrors/
jest ekperymentalny ftp site.
Ewentualne uwagi prosze zglaszac na milek w task.gda.pl


On ftp://3ffe:902:1a::1:2

there's experimental mirror site. Please test it and send any coments to
milek w task.gda.pl.

A1240D 18MB EDO RAM + HD 2.5GB + CD +...                 Student of
mail to: milek w rudy.mif.pg.gda.pl             Technical University of Gdansk
    Happy owner of Amiga              Milek     Faculty of Applied Physics

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