[W.Sylwestrzak@icm.edu.pl: pTLA request]

Rafal Maszkowski rzm w icm.edu.pl
Czw, 6 Maj 1999, 18:21:59 MEST

Chcialem najpierw wyslac tu zeby zebrac ewentualne uwagi, a Wojtek sie troche
pospieszyl, wiec informacja o dyskusji nie jest prawdziwa.  Mam nadzieje, ze
nikt nie bedzie mial za zle braku konsultacji.  Kiedys rozmawialem o pTLA z
Wojtkiem Slusarczykiem i nie mial nic przeciwko temu zeby to byl ICM. 

Co zyskujemy? Prawdziwy routing BGP. Obecnie, poniewaz w pl sa tylko pNLA,
zgodnie z zasadami (dziwnymi) obowiazujacymi w 6BONE mamy BGP adresow
cicnetowych tylko przez CICNET. pTLA ma prawo wysylac swoje adresy (ale
zagregowane /24) wszedzie. Mysle, ze SZCZECIN moglby tez rozsylac prefix, ktory
moze dostaniemy od Boba za granice, uzywajac AS 8664 rownolegle do swojego. Mrt
ma umiec uzywac wielu ASNs naraz. Mam nadzieje, ze ekipa szczecinska niedlugo
skonczy sie rozpraszac takimi zajeciami ubocznymi jak doktorat czy matura.
Byc moze tez bycie pTLA jest dobrym wstepem do zostania powazniejszym registry,
kiedy IPv6 bedzie juz uzywane na powaznie. Zaden powazny provider IPv4 w pl nie
zainteresowal sie na razie IPv6.


----- Forwarded message from Wojtek Sylwestrzak <W.Sylwestrzak w icm.edu.pl> -----
From: Wojtek Sylwestrzak <W.Sylwestrzak w icm.edu.pl>
To: Bob Fink <fink w es.net>
CC: Rafal Maszkowski <rzm w icm.edu.pl>
Subject: pTLA request

finally we have grown old enough to request a 6bone pTLA.
Below is a request from a friend of mine, Rafal Maszkowski,
slightly edited by me.


I am operating 6BONE router at Interdisciplinary Centre for 
Modelling, Warsaw University, Poland. Our registry name is ICM-PL. 
We would like to become 6BONE backbone site.

1. must have experience with ipv6 in the 6bone, at least as a leaf
site, and preferably as an NLA transit under a pTLA.

My first 6BONE router was connected since April 1997, since Nov 1997 I am
maintaining a router at ICM now. Now we have three tunnels abroad to pTLAs:
CICNET, SICS and UNI-C and several to places inside Poland. 
All tunnels abroad and most inside Poland are set up with BGP4+ routing.
Map of Polish part of 6BONE is available at http://www.6bone.pl/ .

2. must have the ability and intent to provide "production-like" 6bone
backbone service to provide a robust and operationally reliable 6bone

We are using a separate Linux router for routing 6BONE and are going to run
native IPv6/ATM when Cisco implementation is oficially available and 
more or less stable. (we cannot use the current cisco beta for we need
some functionality of ios12.0).
We have also a couple of years' experience operating 
a WAN/MAN v4 and ATM networks. We are also one of the best conencted
sites in Poland, with separate ATM links to all major ISP and NRNs
(there are 2 of them) and separate PVC to Stockholm.
We have also ATM connection to Dante/TEN155.
We are peering with a number of v4 ASes.
We have adequate staff to maintain 6bone on 'production-like' level.
our networking centre is manned 24h.

3. must have a potential "user community" that would be served by
becoming a pTLA, e.g., the requester is a major player in a region,
country or focus of interest.

We have good connectivity with abroad and inside Poland. 
Also most of ISPs would care themselves for good connectivity 
with us because of our public Internet services.
In short: we are the Internet hub site of Poland.

Our current 6BONE community is taking part in dicussions on
6bone-pl w sunsite.icm.edu.pl list. 
The current pTLA application is the outcome of discussions
with the Polish 6bone community.

4. must commit to abide by whatever the 6bone backbone operational
rules and policies are (currently there are no formal ones, but the
alain duran draft is a start in trying to define some).

We accept and respect 6BONE rules and policies even though we do not 
like all of them.

let me know if anything requires more explanation ...

----- End forwarded message -----

Więcej informacji o liście dyskusyjnej 6BONE-PL